
امام سجاد علیه السلام : نَحنُ أبوابُ اللّه ، و نَحنُ الصِّراطُ المُستَقیمُ


امام سجاد علیه السلام : نَحنُ أبوابُ اللّه ، و نَحنُ الصِّراطُ المُستَقیمُ

امام علی علیه السلام : أنا صِراطُ اللّه المُستَقیمُ ، و عُروَتُهُ الوُثقى التی لا انفِصامَ لها

امام صادق علیه السلام : وَ اللّهِ نَحْنُ الصِّراطُ الْمُسْتَقِیْمُ

امام سجاد علیه السلام : نَحنُ أبوابُ اللّه ، و نَحنُ الصِّراطُ المُستَقیمُ ، و نَحنُ عَیبَةُ عِلمِهِ ، و نَحنُ تَراجِمَةُ وَحیِهِ ، و نَحنُ أرکانُ تَوحیدِهِ ، و نَحنُ مَوضِعُ سِرِّهِ حدیث

طبقه بندی موضوعی

۴ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Imam Mahdi (PBUH)» ثبت شده است

Imam Sajjad (PBUH) said: “Our Qa’im has signs from six prophets:

1- a sign from Noah (PBUH);

2- a sign from Ibrahim (PBUH);

3- a sign from Jesus (PBUH);

4- a sign from Moses (PBUH);

5- a sign from Jacob (PBUH);

6- a sign from Muhammad (PBUH).”

 “But his sign from Noah (PBUH) is the long life; his sign from Ibrahim (PBUH) is the secrecy of his birthplace; his sign from Moses (PBUH) is his fear of enemy and absence that Moses (PBUH) left Egypt to Midian due to his fear of Pharaoh and his army and was hidden for a while; his sign from Jesus (PBUH) is dispute among people about him and his seclusion from people; his sign from Jacob (PBUH) is his victory over problems and troubles; and his sign from Muhammad (PBUH) is his insurrection by sword.”

( The book of A’alam al-Vara, p. 290)

In some narrations a sign from Joseph (PBUH) is mentioned and that is being imprisoned.


The incredible glory and strength of Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

Imam Reza (PBUH) says in a narration: “Qa’im is the one who is old at the time of his Reappearance but has a young face; and he has that much physical strength that if he lays his hand on the biggest tree on Earth, he would uproot it and if he raises his voice among mountains, mountain rocks would turn into pieces. He has the Staff of Moses and the Seal of Solomon with him.”

(Kashf al-Ghumma, 3:445, Ea’lam al-Wara 407)


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۱۸ دی ۰۱ ، ۲۲:۲۵

Some Mahdavi topics in the Quran:

Descriptions of Imam Mahdi’s companions in the Quran

Jesus’ descent in the Quran

Some of the “Imminent signs of the Reappearance"

The future of the world in the Quran

Information about Messianism in the past religions

“Waiting for the Savior" in the Quran and other religions

The characteristics of the Reappearance Era" in the Quran and ...

That, God willing, will be sent to you dear Mehdi helpers.


The first one who returns

The translation of verse 18 of Surah An-Naba:

“The Day the Horn is blown and you will come forth in multitudes”

Imam Sadiq was asked: “Is the return (i.e. return to the world) right”?

The Imam said: “Yes”

Asked: “Who is the first person who comes back?”

The Imam said: “Hussein ibn Ali, who exits after the uprising of Al-Qa’im”

The man asked: “Are there people accompanying him? He said: “No, as Allah says (in the Quran): they come in groups and respectively, nations after nations.”

The book of Alvafy, vol. 2, p.267


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۱۸ دی ۰۱ ، ۲۲:۲۳

The Holy Prophet said:

“In the era of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the earth puts out its treasures such as pieces of gold and silver,

The thief comes forward and says:

“Was my hand cut for a thing like this?”

The murderer comes forward and says:

“Did I commit murder for such an object?”

The one who hasn’t maintained ties with his family says:

“Did I cut the ties (with my relatives) for such a thing?”

Then these pieces of gold and silver remain on the ground and nobody has the slightest desire to take them.”

Besharat al-Islam p.71


Economy in the time of Reappearance

Imam Baqir (PBUH) said:

 “World wealth will be accumulated and will be in the possession of Mahdi (PBUH); the wealth beneath the ground and the wealth on the ground; then he will tell people, “Come and take what you cut the ties for” (i.e. materialism)

 “So he will give (everyone) as much wealth that no one before him had not given to another and he provides the earth with utter justice.”

Qeibat Na’mani P. 237


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۱۸ دی ۰۱ ، ۲۲:۲۲

To answer this question, first it is necessary to pay attention to 11 reasons for the importance of acquainting oneself with Imam Mahdi.

1-The first reason: the reason of Man’s Creation

Imam Hussein told his companions:

“O people, Allah has not created humans except to know him. When they recognized him, they worship him. When they worship him, for the blessing of this prayer, they do not need to worship entities than God.”

A man asked: “What’s the recognition of God?”

the Imam said:

“That is, people of any age should know the Imam whom they should obey the commands of his.” 

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 23, p. 83

The result: Knowing God = Getting to know the Imam of each era 


A clever and meaningful answer

2-The second reason is the necessity of knowing the Imam of each era:

"It is a sign of faith"

Aban ibn Taghlib says: “I asked Imam Sadiq: Is a person faithful if he knows all Imams except for the Imam of his own era? The Imam said: “No.” I asked again: Is he considered as a Muslim?

The Imam answered: “Yes.”

The Source: Kamal al-Din and Tamam Al-Nimeh

The important lesson:

"Every Muslim is not considered as a faithful one"


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۱۸ دی ۰۱ ، ۲۲:۱۹