To answer this question, first it is necessary to pay attention to 11 reasons for the importance of acquainting oneself with Imam Mahdi.
1-The first reason: the reason of Man’s Creation
Imam Hussein told his companions:
“O people, Allah has not created humans except to know him. When they recognized him, they worship him. When they worship him, for the blessing of this prayer, they do not need to worship entities than God.”
A man asked: “What’s the recognition of God?”
the Imam said:
“That is, people of any age should know the Imam whom they should obey the commands of his.”
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 23, p. 83
The result: Knowing God = Getting to know the Imam of each era
A clever and meaningful answer
2-The second reason is the necessity of knowing the Imam of each era:
"It is a sign of faith"
Aban ibn Taghlib says: “I asked Imam Sadiq: Is a person faithful if he knows all Imams except for the Imam of his own era? The Imam said: “No.” I asked again: Is he considered as a Muslim?
The Imam answered: “Yes.”
The Source: Kamal al-Din and Tamam Al-Nimeh
The important lesson:
"Every Muslim is not considered as a faithful one"
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